Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sunny Santa Monica

Some of the guys from the Gay Christian Network met up for lunch on the Santa Monica pier. We then took in some of the street performers.

Inspired by Tonya and her original videos, this is my first shot at taking and uploading some of my own. I love seeing other performers do their thing.

Eliah played the Chapman Stick, an amazing instrument that exuded such warmth and sexy charm.

Now THAT is a Chia Pet!

Here musician Rahi High sings and plays one of his original compositions. When he finished he exhorted us that if we like original independent music, then we need to stop buying the corporate stuff and support indie performers.

I took this shot espeically for Marvin, who has a thing for palm trees.

Dave, Steve and Me on the Pier

Santa Monica Beach on the HOTTEST day of the year.

Here is my favorite street performer of the day. Shame he wouldn't stop long enough for me to get his name.


At 9:42 PM , Blogger SoulPony said...

Sky watched your videos with me. We loved it. It's like we were there with ya for a second or two.

At 10:12 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Joe, yes, we know you get around. Perhaps that is why gorgeous Eliah has an order of protection against you.

Tonya, someone envisioning Sky watching and enjoying my videos gives me serious credibility in regards to the "cool" factor. Thanks for sharing it and thanks for the inspiration!

At 11:34 AM , Blogger SoulPony said...

I was thinking about you and your lovely photos and videos this weekend and it occured to me. All the suffering you endured trying to be straight has been rewarded with you getting to travel to great places to tell your story. And, you get to meet all these wonderful people that you talk about on your blog.


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